
An online community of mission-driven professionals


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sundog?

Founded on the belief that smart, talented people should work on society's most pressing issues, Sundog is a newsletter, blog (coming soon), and career consultancy that aims to help millennial and Gen Z professionals find meaningful, mission-driven work.

What is mission-driven work?

Sundog defines mission-driven work as work that:

(1) enables workers to make an impact

(2) serves to benefit society

Mission-driven jobs can be found in a variety of industries and organizations ranging from for-profit companies to government agencies to non-profit organizations.

Examples of mission-driven roles could include:

  • Education Policy Analyst

  • Impact Investor

  • Nonprofit Director

  • Healthcare Data Scientist

  • Sustainability Consultant

  • Solar Energy Developer

  • ESG Portfolio Manager

  • Affordable Housing Coordinator

  • and many more!


Studies show that millennial and Gen Z workers are increasingly interested in mission-driven careers. Today's workers seek high-quality jobs and employers that share and act in accordance with their values. They also seek to make a positive impact both within their organizations and externally in the communities they inhabit.

Yet despite the growing demand for mission-driven jobs, it can be challenging and time consuming to sift through thousands of listings to find them. That’s where Sundog comes in! Our newsletter sends subscribers applications for high quality, mission-driven jobs once a week. We also offer career coaching services to help people land their dream jobs.

Who is Sundog?

Sundog is an anonymous internet user who enjoys helping people find high quality mission-driven jobs. He currently works as a management consultant and has professional experience in government, nonprofit administration, and media. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from a small liberal arts college and a master’s degree in public policy from an Ivy League university. He is passionate about practical and compassionate approaches to climate change, project management, and policy analysis. In his free time, he enjoys running, pickup soccer, and playing with his dog.

What is a sundog?

Wikipedia defines a sundog as an “atmospheric optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one or both sides of the Sun”.